Today, an idea, tomorrow a law.
But how?
““Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will.””
Allen Jones
The only thing I love more than justice is the freedom to fight for it.
A man with principles. Since birth, Jones knows how to overcome difficulties, but his shortcomings never stopped him. He learned how to be very detail-oriented and how he could improve his life at age 18. His first day as a high school graduate, someone hired him as a draftsman. He stayed in that profession for the next 20 years.
A maverick for nature, he always wants to do more and help people who have fallen to get back up. From an invitation, in the ’80s, he started to teach maximum-security juveniles at the San Francisco Juvenile Hall. That experience stunned up his passion for prison reform. Also, he has become a writer with his self-published autobiography, CASE GAME – Activating the Activist, published in 2015 by Lulu Press.
Now, he is ready to take on a new project dealing with prison reform that he calls: California Clemency, which was inspired by an episode of the well-respected news magazine, “60 Minutes.” His mission and vision to change the clemency process in California by a Constitutional Amendment will empower the people.